By now, many of you are aware that I’ve accepted the call to be lead pastor at Journey Church in Gainesville, Georgia. Stacey and I are excited about this new opportunity to serve in local church ministry. Journey is definitely local for us; it’s literally five minutes from where we live. My position as campus pastor at Truett McConnell University will continue; as will Bucky Kennedy Ministries. I have a deep passion for the students, faculty, and staff at TMU, and for the work of BKM. So, at 57 years old I’m becoming tri-vocational!

First, I want those of you who support Bucky Kennedy Ministries to know how grateful I am. Your prayers and generosity are never taken for granted. COVID-19 greatly impacted my travel schedule, which cut off a major source of our funding. But because of your financial support BKM has not missed a beat. I could go on for days about how God is using His people to come to our aid. Thank you!

Going forward, BKM will concentrate on using our multi-media ministry to encourage, equip, and inform believers—especially in these days of uncertainty. The Bucky Kennedy Podcast has been on an extended hiatus, but will soon resume with a slight format change. We’ll continue using our website, app, and social media to post articles and videos that seek to bring biblical truth in a world of deception.

I’m especially excited about the release of our first 90-day devotional, which I co-wrote with Lea Eppling. Unchanging Truth is a compilation of BKM weekly devotions over the years. We sincerely hope it will be an encouragement to you, as well as a tool you can use to encourage others. You can order copies directly from our website.

I’m also deeply thankful for those who’ve already pledged support for Journey Church, as it will be a replant. That means the church is basically starting over. We have around a hundred people, a great location, a good facility, and a lot of potential—but very limited resources. Once again, Stacey and I are in a position for our faith to be stretched and our trust in God to be deepened. Although the last year has been challenging, TMU and BKM have been our comfort zone as a couple. So your prayers are appreciated.

We’re living in a time of great opportunity for ministry. Truth is desperately needed and workers are so few. It’s my fervent prayer that God will use BKM, Truett McConnell, and Journey Church to raise up, equip, and encourage an army of workers. Don’t be fooled by the current social and political climate. The fields are still white unto harvest. But in order to “save others, snatching them out of the fire” (Jude 23) we must first care about these precious souls. Will you willingly and gladly go with me into this mission field? Thank you for what you’ve done and thank you for what you will do in the days ahead.

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