Last week, retailers rushed to replace Halloween candy and costumes with Christmas decorations. I noticed in one store that anything related to Thanksgiving was relegated to the end of a single aisle. Looking at the pitiful display, it seemed they were simply meeting an obligation to acknowledge the holiday. But aren’t we often guilty of something similar when it comes to being thankful? For believers, vocalizing gratitude isn’t a once a year obligation. When we acknowledge the Lord as the Giver of all good things, we overflow with gratitude all year long.

So, as we celebrate this time of Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to express genuine gratitude. Before you ask God for anything, take time to say, “Thank you” for specific blessings and answers to prayer. Intentionally let the people in your life know how grateful you are for their love, friendship, and support. Then continue those habits when November ends and the Christmas rush is in full swing. Don’t be guilty of relegating thanksgiving to a single month or day of the year. Determine to start each day with a grateful heart.

Bucky’s Thanksgiving List:

Happy Thanksgiving, from the entire BKM team!

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Bucky Kennedy

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