The best way to describe my life right now is, “On the road again!” I know that many of you are praying for me as I travel, which means that you share in all that God’s doing through BKM. So here are a few things that you’ve taken part in over the last month.

In early February I flew to Louisiana for revival services at First Baptist Church of Rayville. Dr. Eddie Wren and his people were definitely prepared for revival. As God began to stir hearts, people were attentive and responsive, with several coming during the invitation for salvation. The number of folks who shared how God had worked in their lives during the week was encouraging.

The next stop was First Baptist Church of Ludowici, Georgia for their Wild Game Dinner, followed by a four-day revival. Thirty-three men indicated a salvation commitment at the Wild Game Dinner. Pastor Eric Rentz and his kind folks did a tremendous job of hosting this event.

It was back to Gainesville for a few days to catch up in the office, shoot some videos, officiate a wedding, and preach at Central Baptist Church. Then I hit the road for three events in 12 days, starting with the Northside Wild Game Dinner in Valdosta. Pastor Robby Foster described it this way, “Bucky Kennedy brought a great message tonight. Eighteen decisions for Christ tonight; 30 for two nights. Over 620 men heard the Word and fellowshipped together. Thankful for a great team of men and women who worked so hard to bring God glory. Thankful for Northside Baptist and the dedication to impact eternity.”

I left Valdosta pumped up, ready for revival at First Baptist Church Pelham, Georgia. Pastor Matt Peek and his church were not only prepared for the meetings, but hospitable and friendly to everyone who came through the doors. People flooded the altar every night; many for salvation and others surrendering various issues to the Lord. We finished the week with baptisms, celebrating all that God had done during the week.

My next stop was a one-day event at First Baptist Thomasville, Georgia. Pastor Marty Carnes leads a great fellowship of believers with a desire to really engage in the work of evangelism. Pastor Marty and his folks were so kind and gracious. It was a joy to see people respond to the Gospel and to God’s work in their lives.

As I’m writing this, I’m prayerfully anticipating what God’s going to do this weekend at the North Georgia Men’s Conference. Yes, God is keeping me busy and the constant traveling can be tiring; but with it comes a great deal of blessing. Preaching God’s Word is a privilege – one that I never want to take for granted. May I ask you to do something? When the BKM Newsletter arrives each month, would you take a moment to look at the upcoming events on our calendar and pray for those churches specifically? Pray that churches will be revived and that communities will come to Christ. Never underestimate the power of prayer. I’m depending on it!

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