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To say that our society tolerates evil is an understatement. The definition, these days, seems to be limited to things such as mass shootings and racism. While these are definitely evil, the world’s understanding of that word doesn’t take God and His Word into consideration. For instance, our culture’s general[...]


In talking with other pastors, I’ve noticed that a few topics come up in just about every conversation. Our situations are different but we share common challenges of pastoring in a pandemic. Many of these issues are just as frustrating for church members as they are for pastors. While there[...]


“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this:” Revelation 3:14   Where do you turn to find out how you’re doing spiritually? From a human standpoint we tend not to see ourselves as[...]


By now, many of you are aware that I’ve accepted the call to be lead pastor at Journey Church in Gainesville, Georgia. Stacey and I are excited about this new opportunity to serve in local church ministry. Journey is definitely local for us; it’s literally five minutes from where we[...]


Something has become painfully but particularly clear in recent days. We’re witnessing the rise of so-called churches under the influence of so-called Christians. What do I mean? Well, the apostle Paul describes the “so-called brother” as one who professes to follow Christ, yet displays no clear distinction in attitude or[...]


There’s an old saying, “Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it.” Well, 2020 has certainly brought a great deal of adversity, and it’s revealed the conditions for America’s perfect storm. None of these conditions are new. Each issue has been brewing on its own for some time. But adversity has[...]