not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.Hebrews 10:25

In the early days of the pandemic believers talked about the possibility of sweeping revival. In reality, the response has been more apathy than revival. Many people who were regular church attenders before the shutdowns have not returned. Some hold the opinion, “I can worship God from anywhere.” Of course, that statement is true but it misses the point entirely. Being indifferent about going to church is a warning sign that we’re sliding into apathy.

God addresses the issue of believers gathering head on. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to abandon the habit of meeting together, and we cannot claim to love God while disregarding what He says. You see, hate is not the opposite of love—apathy is. No believer suddenly wakes up uninterested in the things of God or unconcerned about the lost. It happens by slow neglect.

First, we develop a “take it or leave it” attitude about serving God, then we become indifferent about gathering with other believers. Those who continue down this path tend to become apathetic toward biblical truth. After all, that’s what disobedience to the Lord does. And it’s why the Christian life is not intended to be lived alone. Like a single ember removed from a fire, we will eventually grow cold.

Today’s verse also stresses the importance of going to church all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Well, we live in a time when truth is largely rejected and even called conspiracy—which is a sign of the last days (2 Timothy 4:3-4). So we need to gather together more often, not less! As the times get darker we need more and more encouragement from fellow believers.

Have you become indifferent about going to church? If so, then take an honest look at how it’s affecting your walk with Jesus Christ. Remember this–religious people go to church just enough to still be religious. But those who have an abiding relationship with the Lord desire to obey and serve Him. As a result, we look forward to worshipping and studying God’s Word with other believers; because we really are stronger together.

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Bucky Kennedy

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