“Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:3–4, HCSB).
When faced with a difficult or painful situation, our first response is often to ask God, why? We want specific answers about why He allowed it and how we can fix it. Deep down, we may even feel as though our suffering is unfair. But instead of dwelling on our immediate circumstances, we need to step back and consider the bigger picture. Why does God test our faith?
The Bible provides several answers to this question. In Abraham’s life, we see how God’s testing reveals the authenticity of our faith (Genesis 22:15–18). Job and Isaiah describe trials as a refining furnace, removing impurities from our lives (Job 23:10; Isaiah 48:10–11). And Jesus said that God prunes areas of our lives to help us bear even more spiritual fruit (John 15:2).
As Christ’s followers, we can trust that our pain always has a purpose. Without trials, how would we ever develop endurance? How would our faith grow to maturity? Difficulties teach us to rely on God’s sufficiency and to glorify Him in the process. As Peter writes, “So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 1:7).
Trials not only refine our faith but also validate our salvation. The world is watching how we navigate hardships. When others see us enduring the same challenges they face but with a steadfast trust in God, our testimony points them to Christ. That’s why every trial, no matter its origin, should glorify Him. Our response to difficulty has the power to impact others for eternity.
Remember, God never wastes pain. If He allows suffering into your life, He is working through it to refine your faith, draw you closer to Him, and deepen your dependence on His strength. It’s natural to ask God, why? But an even better question is, what? What is God seeking to accomplish in this trial? What fruit might grow from this season of testing? Lean into the assurance that your pain has a divine purpose. Trust that God is shaping you into someone who is mature, complete, and lacking in nothing—all for His glory.