“I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:8

Finding your identity is what gives life purpose, value, and meaning. The apostle Paul’s identity wasn’t found in his religious achievements, status, or personal gains but solely in Jesus. This truth echoes for believers today. Paul reminds us that nothing else compares to the infinite worth of knowing Christ, because everything worth having is found in Him.  

As Christians, our identity, purpose, and value come from our relationship with Jesus. When we truly know Christ, we understand who we are in Him, why we are here, and what really matters. It’s not about what we can give up to prove ourselves; it’s about pursuing Jesus. And when we pursue Him above all else, we willingly surrender wrong things, and even lesser things, because our hearts are set on something far greater.

Paul emphasizes that knowing Christ is more valuable than anything else. This doesn’t mean we neglect the responsibilities or relationships God has given us. It does mean that when Christ is our highest pursuit, everything else falls into its proper place. When we treasure Him above all, our lives are rightly ordered, and we can love others more selflessly and fulfill our duties more faithfully.

But knowing Jesus is not a one-time event. Just as a friendship deepens through time and shared experiences, so does our relationship with Christ. Salvation is only the beginning. From that point on, we get to know Him more intimately through prayer and studying His Word. This daily fellowship not only draws us closer to Him but also shapes how we see the world and ourselves.

Is your identity tied to a job, a hobby, or a loved one? While those can bring value to your life, they cannot compare to the value of knowing Jesus intimately. Are you pursuing Him daily in His Word and through prayer? The more you know Him, the more you’ll see the infinite worth of belonging to Him. Finding your identity in Christ will give your life the purpose, value, and meaning God intended it to have. And nothing is greater than that!

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Bucky Kennedy

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