“David said to Saul, ‘Let no man’s heart fail on account of him; your servant will go and fight with this Philistine.’” 1 Samuel 17:32

Believers often see things within their church or community and think, “Someone should do something about that.” Well, God might want you to be that someone! Young David shows us by example that giant slayers seize opportunities when they arise.

David was certainly surrounded by men who seemed better qualified and better equipped to fight Goliath – starting with his brother, Eliab and King Saul! But the sight of this God-defying giant caused stronger, more experienced soldiers to lose the heart to fight. Saul looked at David and saw only a boy but this boy had the faith of a giant-slayer. When the Lord prompted David to act, he didn’t wait to be asked – he volunteered.

Now, imagine a different story. What if David had simply delivered the food to his brothers then returned home to tell his father the battlefront news? He would have done exactly what was expected of him, and he would have avoided the disagreement with Eliab (vv28-29). But he would also have missed the opportunity to serve the Lord in a mighty way. And keep in mind, God’s name was glorified in the victory because David was not the obvious choice.

We allow opportunities to pass us by for a variety of reasons. Maybe we think other people are better qualified or have known the Lord longer. We can be fearful of the commitment or shortsighted regarding how God is working. Many times, however, we’re simply selfish with our time and resources. The Lord often reveals an issue in order to set us in motion. Although it may seem overwhelming at first, when the Holy Spirit prompts you to step up He also guides you through the task.

Have you asked God to give you opportunities to serve Him or to tell someone about Him? Make a slight change in how you pray. Ask God to open your eyes to the opportunities that already surround you each and every day. Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit then step out in faith and seize the opportunity to serve. Who knows, you might even stop a God-defying giant along the way.

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Bucky Kennedy

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