Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” Matthew 21:21–22

Sooner or later we all face a mountain-sized challenge of one kind or another. They can even stand between us and what God calls us to do. But if we interpret these challenges as closed doors, we miss the opportunity to develop mountain moving faith. Jesus isn’t promoting faith in faith but faith in Him. In other words, Jesus alone is the foundation of our faith.

It’s not a coincidence that this conversation about faith happened on the Monday before His crucifixion. Jesus was focused on what the Father sent Him to do and there were still lessons to teach before then. Within the week His disciples would face a mountain-sized challenge. So, when they came across a healthy looking fig tree that had no fruit, Jesus caused it to wither instantly. The disciples asked, “How did the fig tree wither all at once?” (v20). The Lord purposely moved the conversation from figs to faith.

Jesus tells His followers that He is capable of doing whatever is necessary to accomplish the Father’s will—even if it means moving mountains. He was so in tune with His Father that He believed God would defeat sin, death, and hell through His obedience. The faith Jesus had on Monday kept Him from worrying about Friday.

How do we develop mountain moving faith? By having the same doubtless faith in Jesus that He has in His Father. This kind of faith aligns itself with God’s will rather than a personal agenda. The Lord enables us to accomplish everything He gives us to do. You see, biblical faith is not believing in what we can do but in what Jesus can do through us.

Are you trusting God to do a great work in you and through you? Or, are you overwhelmed by trying to work for the Lord in your own abilities? Don’t waste time worrying about the future. Remember, you never have to face a mountain-sized problem in your own strength. Pray for God to accomplish His will in that situation. Pray with mountain moving faith!

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Bucky Kennedy

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