“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.Matthew 6:33


The pursuit of happiness is the right of every American citizen. But as citizens of God’s kingdom, personal happiness shouldn’t be our greatest goal. That’s because chasing the American dream has more to do with what you have than with who you are. And God is concerned with our character above all else. The key to being satisfied in life is to have the right pursuit.


Ironically, God says that in order to have what we need, we have to stop pursuing what we need. Matthew 6:25-32 isn’t a list of luxury items but basic needs of life: food, drink, clothing. The premise is simple. Don’t worry. Trust Me. Pursue Me. You see, pursuing Jesus is what positions us to receive His promises and provision.


This isn’t about making a list of priorities: God, family, job, etc. It’s about putting God first in every area of your life. It’s about pursuing His righteous character instead of pursuing things. And that kind of spiritual hunger comes with another promise. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6).


He addresses our spiritual diet because what we crave is a huge indicator of our spiritual condition. We conform to whatever we consume. Our appetites determine our attitudes. Just like in the physical realm, consuming the wrong things can spoil your appetite for the right things. So if you’re not craving righteousness, why not?


The bottom line is this—righteousness isn’t a luxury item for the super spiritual; it’s an absolute necessity for every believer. It’s the key to being satisfied in life. Righteousness becomes a reality by paying attention to what you’re pursuing and to what you’re consuming.


Ask yourself the following questions. What am I consuming that God considers junk food? Do I watch and listen to the same things as the world? What am I pursuing in my own strength rather than trusting God to provide? Do I worry about having everything I need? God isn’t asking you to put Him at the top of your list; He wants to be in control of your list. And He promises to give you the strength and provision to accomplish everything on it.

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Bucky Kennedy

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