“we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition.” 1 Thessalonians 2:2


It’s no secret that our culture is increasingly hostile to Christianity, which is why many believers stay silent. The apostle Paul faced similar issues. The gospel of Jesus was not a popular message in a culture full of idolatry and immorality. Yet, Paul talked about his faith in Christ boldly. He models the principles and characteristics we need to live with boldness today.


First, we need to understand the eternal significance of our message. You see, the gospel is not in contention to be the truth—it is truth! Paul wouldn’t have needed boldness to offer a compromised message. This is where we often falter. In order to make Scripture more acceptable, we try to smooth over the parts that might offend. But we can’t approach sharing biblical truth like being a peace negotiator. The gospel is God’s terms of surrender that each person either accepts or rejects.


We also have to keep the goal in mind. Therefore we also have as our ambition…to be pleasing to Him” (2 Corinthians 5:9). Our chief goal should always be to please the Lord. Why is that easier said than done? Fear. We fear ridicule, we fear failure, and we fear rejection. But we’ll never live with boldness as long as fear dictates our decisions and our direction.


So, how do we deliver an unpopular message with confidence? By recognizing God as the source of our boldness. You see, Paul’s confidence was in the message itself, not in his ability to deliver it. We mistakenly think that having confidence is about our abilities. Paul was confident in God’s ability through his availability. We can speak boldly because we have confidence in God; confidence that He will embolden and enable us when we make ourselves available.

Are you boldly speaking truth and living out authentic faith? Remember, fear is the enemy of boldness. So, if you’re asked a question about your faith, give it! You might be ridiculed, or even rejected. Still, be ambitious to please God because He’s the one you’re aiming to please and to whom you are accountable (1 Thessalonians 2:4). The truth of Scripture is too important to be silent. Ask God to help you live with boldness today.

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Bucky Kennedy

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