“By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments.” 1 John 2:3

What principles guide your life? Many people live by some kind of self-determined standard. The internet is full of “rules for a happy, successful, and fulfilling life.” As believers, our rules for life aren’t manmade but God ordained. The teachings and commands in the Bible are what guide us through everyday life. But it’s our level of obedience that shows how deeply acquainted we are with Jesus. 

Keeping God’s commands requires effort. But don’t confuse diligence with self-determination. This isn’t about trying harder; it’s simply trusting Jesus to be Jesus in you. That kind of faith is active, not passive. And you can’t keep what you don’t know. So, how do we know His commands?


The instructions of Christ are clear throughout the Gospels. They include not only keeping the original Ten Commandments, but maintaining godly attitudes in both heart and mind. That’s because Jesus goes beyond our actions and looks at our motives. The New Testament writers then show us how to apply these rules for life in everyday circumstances.


John takes it a step further in the next verse. “The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:4). In other words, a life of willful sin is an indication of not knowing Jesus. A genuine profession of faith in Christ is followed by obedience to His commands—period.


You see, the Bible doesn’t give us ideas for a better life; it reveals truth! And if you don’t know truth then you won’t recognize the lies of the world. That’s why we need to saturate our minds with Scripture daily. Reading and studying the Bible is more than a good habit; it’s how you become more deeply acquainted with Jesus. The Bible is God’s rulebook for life, shaping our beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions.

Do you have a desire to know God’s Word and to keep His commands? If not, that’s a warning flag. Examine your heart to see whether you have a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. If you do, then when is your time to be in His Word every day? What guiding principle of your life is out of line with God’s rules for life? Remember, God’s commands are what’s best for us because they are truth.

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Bucky Kennedy

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