Acquire wisdom! Acquire understanding! Do not forget nor turn away from the words of my mouth.” Proverbs 4:5

Wisdom is in short supply these days. The foolishness of worldly thinking bombards our kids in new ways every day. So, wise parents look for teachable moments. Proverbs 4 is like a roadmap to passing on godly wisdom. In this passage, we learn why Solomon prayed for wisdom when given the opportunity to ask God for anything he wanted (1 Kings 3). He had been carefully taught.

Solomon’s father, King David, taught him the value of gaining wisdom above anything else in life. Wisdom guards, exalts, and honors the one who seeks it. Solomon obviously found his father’s instructions to be true because he purposely passed the same lessons to his own children. As a matter of fact, Proverbs 2-7 each start with Solomon urging his sons to listen to his instruction.

When you think about it, our daily lives are full of teachable moments. The best classroom a parent has is usually the dinner table. Each time you sit down as a family there’s an opportunity to talk about how the events of the day intersect with the truths of God’s Word. The younger the child, the more basic the lesson. But the importance of spiritual conversation and teachable moments never changes, even as children become adults.

Just remember, as kids get older they recognize when our words and actions don’t match up. If we’re not careful, we’ll pass on hypocrisy rather than wisdom and discernment. In Proverbs 4:11, Solomon says, “I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths.” He not only instructed his children in godly wisdom, he wanted to be their example and guide.

The things we say and do become the legacy we leave to our children and grandchildren. Are you leading them in the way of godly wisdom? If we want the next generation to navigate life with discernment, then we need to look for teachable moments today.

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Bucky Kennedy

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