They also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.’Acts 1:11

The moment Jesus ascended into the heavens, angels began to talk about His return. Two thousand years later, doubters and skeptics have increased with intensity. Yet, the Lord’s promise to return is unchanged. Although the time of His coming is unknown, we can be certain that He will keep His promise. Jesus’ return is imminent.

Jesus spoke often about coming back, which is why the first century church lived with such urgency. They knew that Jesus could return during their lifetime, or at any time. So, why are we now at two thousand years and counting?

Some well-intentioned theologians explain the role immerging technology might play in end-time events; indicating we need to reach a particular point in human history to make prophecy possible. Some also interpret naturally occurring events as a sign that Jesus is coming soon. God, however, doesn’t need perfect conditions, the aid of technology, or the laws of physics. Jesus’ return is a divine promise that will be supernaturally accomplished.

The apostle Peter addresses the reason for the wait in 2 Peter 3:9, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” God desires to seek and to save, not to seek and  destroy. The Lord’s promise to return is unchanged because He desires to change the lives of those still living in sin, apart from Him.

If we truly long to see Jesus return, then we’ll live in the righteousness of Christ daily. We’ll get serious about sharing the gospel with the lost, not only with words, but proclaiming the gospel by how we live.

God has fulfilled every promise He’s ever made—without alteration. So we can believe the promise of His Son’s return with certainty. God has not changed His mind. Jesus is coming back down, the same way He went up. Believers should live with the expectancy that His coming could happen at any moment. Will you live as if it could happen today?

Read the previous devotion in this series: Salvation is Unchanged

Read the next devotion in this series: Heaven is Unchanged

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Bucky Kennedy

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