“But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled.” 1 Peter 3:14

It feels deeply unfair to be treated badly for doing what’s right. Yet, the Bible consistently reminds us not to be surprised when we suffer for righteousness’ sake. We struggle with this concept in America because we enjoy the comfort and protection of religious liberty. But the apostle Peter’s words resonate more clearly as our culture grows more intolerant of biblical Christianity. So, how should Christians respond when wronged for doing right?

Peter was writing to Christians who were suffering, primarily because their lives stood in stark contrast to the surrounding culture (1 Peter 4:3-4). They were being mistreated for doing what’s right according to God; for living righteously. Because we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ, our attitudes and actions should always reflect His nature, regardless of how we’re treated in return.

Peter gives us a checklist to measure whether our attitudes and actions are right. We are to be harmonious, sympathetic, kindhearted, and humble. We shouldn’t return evil for evil or insult for insult. On the contrary, we should give back blessing instead of cursing, and refrain from saying things that are sinful or from being deceitful. As Christ’s followers, we must turn from evil, do good, and pursue peace (1 Peter 3:8-11).

And even when we’re doing all of that, it shouldn’t surprise us to be treated unjustly. Nor should we fear when we’re mocked, attacked, or misrepresented for standing firm in truth. Why? Because we are in the sovereign care of our heavenly Father, who both sees us and hears our prayers (1 Peter 3:12-13). Even Jesus faced rejection and suffered for living righteously. Why then are we shocked when we’re wronged for doing right?

Living in the light of Christ in a dark world comes with a cost. If you unapologetically believe what the Bible teaches about creation, marriage, or morality, you may face ridicule or rejection from unbelieving family members. If you display righteous behavior in your workplace, you might encounter slander or false accusations. While it may feel unfair it shouldn’t be unexpected. Remain faithful, even when it’s hard. And remember, you have an eternal reward that far outweighs any earthly hardship (Romans 8:18).

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Bucky Kennedy

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