“But whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him” 1 John 2:5

Have you ever thought about why you do what you do? The answer is simple really. What you love determines what you do. No matter what we say, our actions reveal who or what we love most. According to John, our level of obedience to God’s Word shows the depth of our love for Him. But doing good works just to prove you love God can be frustrating. That’s getting the cart before the horse. John is talking about a habit of life that flows out of us naturally.

You see, God put His love into you at the moment of salvation. Romans 5:5 tells us, “the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Because we have the nature of Christ living in us, we love the things He loves. When Jesus lived on Earth He displayed love for God’s Word and God’s people. But above all else, Jesus loved pleasing His Father.


We get into trouble when we’re not mindful of Jesus living in us and what that means. John is describing a deep personal fellowship. When you’re continually aware of Christ’s presence, keeping God’s Word becomes a way of life. So you do what you do because you love what Jesus loves. That’s why John goes on to say, “the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked” (1 John 2:6).


So, who or what holds your highest affections? The answer isn’t in what you say but in the things you do. Love and obedience are an infinite circle. We want to please God because we love Him; and we love what pleases Him because He lives within us. If you’re struggling, remember who you are in Christ. The more aware you are of His presence, the more your love for Him will grow. As a result, keeping God’s Word will become the habit of your life.


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Bucky Kennedy

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