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Bucky Kennedy Ministries

Like so many Americans, I’ve been horrified by the events taking place in Afghanistan. The images are heartbreaking. President Biden recently stood before the American people to defend his decisions regarding Afghanistan while lying about the conditions there. Many of the president’s claims were quickly contradicted by the Pentagon and[...]


Last month I attended the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, along with nineteen thousand other people. One issue discussed from the floor intrigued me—how should we deal with sexual abuse inside the church? Motions were made for zero tolerance toward any act of sexual abuse and toward[...]


As the woke movement has become mainstream, many well-known churches and preachers have proudly embraced being woke Christians. After all, shouldn’t followers of Jesus speak up about social and racial injustice? The problem is that culture’s definition of justice is vastly different than God’s. Not to mention that many things[...]


By now, many of you are aware that I’ve accepted the call to be lead pastor at Journey Church in Gainesville, Georgia. Stacey and I are excited about this new opportunity to serve in local church ministry. Journey is definitely local for us; it’s literally five minutes from where we[...]


Like many American families, my family gets excited about summer. My wife, Stacey, loves the long, hot days so much that she claims to be solar powered! Our family always enjoys being together near the water; either at the lake or at the beach. Even though we've done both of[...]


It’s been a little over a month since starting my adventure as campus pastor at Truett McConnell University. Thank you for the encouraging texts, calls, and messages. Although I’m still learning to balance my BKM schedule with my new role at Truett, the work I’m doing in both arenas is[...]


When the Lord prompted me to start Bucky Kennedy Ministries, I felt somewhat like Abraham - going without a lot of knowing! The last three years have been an amazing journey of faith. In that time BKM has conducted over 100 revivals, conferences, and speaking engagements; posted a weekly devotion; published[...]


“They also said, ‘Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.’” Acts 1:11   The moment Jesus ascended into the heavens,[...]