The COVID-19 crisis can be especially frightening for kids. Not only have their daily lives changed, but they may also be aware of economic changes within your household. There’s never been a better opportunity to connect scriptural truth with real life. Kids need to know that relying on godly wisdom is a way of life, regardless of what’s happening around us. Of course, each family has to decide how much information to share. But when you think about it, there are a handful of decisions in life that determine all of our other decisions. Wise parenting focuses on these foundational principles so our kids see the big picture for themselves.
In order to consistently make wise choices, children have to take hold of scriptural truth for themselves.
If we want the next generation to navigate life with discernment, then we need to look for teachable moments today.
Preparing our children to live godly lives in an ungodly culture requires prayer.

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Bucky Kennedy

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