“And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:7


The Bible presents the most amazing event in human history with glorious simplicity. From an earthly perspective it’s certainly a lowly birth—a baby lying on a bed of hay in a feeding trough near his mother and earthly father. But there’s a lot more going on behind the scene. The way God chose to bring His Son into the world not only reveals His character, but also the quiet wonder of Christmas.

This couple from Nazareth made the journey to Bethlehem to be counted for the census. The timing seemed terrible because Mary was almost to term with her child. And with all the people pouring in to register, the inns were full. So the only place they could find refuge was in a stable. There, surrounded by animals in the quietness of the night, Mary and Joseph cared for the newborn baby.

God’s grace and tender care are evident in this quiet scene. Just think of His faithfulness to these obedient servants. Here is a family, separated from the masses in a crowded city, alone in the Lord’s presence. Even though they must have been exhausted, imagine the joy of seeing God accomplish exactly what He promised—Immanuel, God with us. All the magnificent characteristics of our Holy God, born in flesh to bring grace to humanity. That’s the true wonder of Christmas!

Do you long for the quiet awe and wonder in this scene? It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of activity at Christmastime. Navigating the crowded streets and stores can steal the joy of the event we’re celebrating. If that’s the case with you this Christmas, then reset your focus. Remember, God is still faithful to His obedient servants. His grace flows freely. His peace surpasses our understanding. And His timing is always perfect.

Father, thank You for the grace revealed in Your Son. Thank You, Jesus, for leaving Heaven to come and atone for the sins of humanity; for my sin. Fill me with the quiet wonder of Christmas as I worship You today. Thank You for being ever-present in my life. You are truly God with us— Immanuel.

Previous devotions in this Christmas series: When God’s Plan is Different From Our Plans; and Direction for Difficult Decisions

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Bucky Kennedy

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