
July 29, 2024

Work Out Your Salvation?

“work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you” Philippians 2:12-13


This passage is often misunderstood to mean we must work for our salvation. It’s also misused to make people afraid they can lose their salvation. If neither of these is correct, then what does “work out your salvation” mean?


We’re given every blessing God has for us the moment we’re saved. At the same time, those blessings only become personal as we take hold of them. Salvation is a gift of grace we possess through faith; and faith is neither passive nor inactive. We are to actively pursue spiritual maturity (Philippians 2:12 AMP), so that what is possible becomes actual.


The best illustration of this is watching a baby learn to use the parts of his body as he grows. The skills, talents, and abilities that will later be fully exhibited are already there; they are just undeveloped. It’s only through maturity that his potential becomes reality.


Growing and maturing in the Lord isn’t dependent upon our strength and power but God’s, “for it is God who is at work in you” (v13). So, we are to work out what God is working in. Each believer must put in the work to learn and to grow, even when God puts us in uncomfortable situations. That’s why the Bible portrays spiritual growth as a battle. Just remember, we’re fighting from victory not for victory.


So, why does any of this matter if you’re saved and going to Heaven? Does God really care how spiritually mature you are? Yes! He didn’t save you to live any way you please. God is working in you to fulfill His purpose. As you grow and mature, so should your desire to do what pleases Him (v13).


In what areas do you see spiritual growth over the last year? Are you less anxious, critical, and controlling? Are you more generous, compassionate, and gentle? Read through the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. Ask God which fruit needs to be more evident—more mature—in your life. Allow God to work on you in that area by yielding to the Holy Spirit. As you do, what’s possible will become actual.